Top 5 Connectivity Issues Facing Businesses in 2024

Updated: July 10th, 2024

In the ultra-connected digital age in which individuals and businesses everywhere rely on seamless connectivity and the sharing of sensitive information, the value of reliable connectivity and internet connections cannot be understated. With every major business trying to leverage bandwidth and internet-powered devices and systems to their maximum, these businesses must also be wary of the challenges that come with continually adding such evolving technologies and services to their respective repertoires.

However, with the success and profitability of a business so heavily reliant on remaining connected, network issues, poor broadband speed or entire outages can wreak havoc on internet connectivity, costing major businesses millions per year. To make the most of their efforts, companies need to invest in reliable, secure and fast business broadband solutions that serve their growing needs – and the needs of their customers.

At Elite Group, we’re experts in the world of business technology and business broadband and have decades of combined experience serving businesses in need, so we like to think we know a thing or two about the constantly changing factors involved in connectivity. With this in mind, here are our top 5 connectivity issues facing businesses in 2024 – and what you can do to solve the problem if it’s something you’re facing in your own business.

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1) Increasing Bandwidth Demands

Once upon a time, it was the case the phone lines powering internet connections and phone lines across the globe only needed to carry very basic voice signals, which were minuscule when compared to today’s gargantuan file sizes. However, as time rolled on and the usage of the internet grew and evolved, the needs of internet users (particularly large businesses) outgrew the standard internet offerings, meaning these businesses needed to focus on more rugged and reliable network options.

Cloud phone systems, cloud computing, video conferencing, remote working, file transfers and more all added to the heavy bandwidth load businesses needed to manage. As more businesses onboard such solutions, they will soon come to realise the network options they’re currently working with simply can’t cut it if they’re still reliant on outdated connectivity methods, ineffective business broadband or legacy network technology. As a result, employees become saddled with daily network frustrations, a loss of productivity and declining business operations. In short, it’s an unwelcome domino effect from the top down.

But thanks to modern advancements in network technology and reliable business broadband, such as fibre broadband options, businesses can relieve themselves of useless old broadband solutions and inject their operations with the boosted speed and bandwidth they need for their workforce to continue running at maximum efficiency. Fibre business broadband featuring fibre optic cables is widely available, though there are other options, depending on your specific needs. SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) for example, is a popular option for businesses working across multiple branches that don’t want to sacrifice bandwidth as their business continues to grow. With SD-WAN, businesses can create virtual lines for bandwidth to run along, rather than physical lines, creating plenty of opportunity for data-intensive programs and services to run unencumbered, even during peak hours. Better still, with SD-WAN, network administrators can intelligently direct bandwidth to the most intensive or important applications and users, ensuring they’re given full priority and always have enough bandwidth and speed to get the job done. 

2) Ensuring Network Reliability

According to the latest estimates featured on Exploding Topics, over 300 million terabytes of data are created every single day worldwide. This figure highlights how reliant we as a society have become on data – and the passing of data – which also extends to businesses. To create and share this data effectively, businesses need to be able to rely on their network connections, safe in the knowledge technical hitches or downtime won’t throw them off course at any given moment.

Unfortunately, many businesses are still relying on technology that is harming their data-sharing efforts, in the guise of familiarity. On-site hardware failures are becoming more common as ageing technology finally succumbs to the passage of time, leaving some businesses with a mountain to climb if there is no suitable backup immediately in place. 

Thankfully, there are plenty of options in place for businesses to maximise the effectiveness of their technology and networks, if they would simply embrace new and emerging technologies. Replacing outdated physical hardware with cloud alternatives, for example, relieves the pressures placed on internal servers and also frees up space in offices which can be put to better use, placing the responsibility of the day-to-day running of IT services in the hands of external professionals. From a strict network perspective, businesses could also explore SD-WAN options (as mentioned above) and focus on working with providers who boast an excellent reputation and rugged Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with regard to minimal downtime.

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3) Managing Multiple Devices and IoT

Along with the rise of the ways in which network data can be used, the number of devices which connect to the internet has also seen a sharp rise over the past couple of decades. It used to be the case that our modem and PC were the only things harnessing the power of the network. Today, everything from our televisions to wristwatches to fridge freezers can all be connected to a network. Understandably, this places an even greater strain on bandwidth.

From a business perspective, the collection of devices that share a connection with a network and the cloud – whatever they are – is known as the Internet of Things (IoT), with more devices being added to business arsenals regularly. As these device numbers and the Internet of Things continue to grow, businesses need to ensure their network and bandwidth are capable of juggling every connection at once while also delivering the necessary bandwidth for workers to perform their roles effectively. By regularly adding more devices yet ignoring the new pressures they create, businesses could see bandwidth available and internet speeds decline rapidly, opening a can of worms. This also places new pressures on network security that must be considered.

However, by working with an IoT expert, like Elite Group, businesses can open themselves up to a realm of possibilities and utilise intelligent network management tools to solve this issue, ensuring everyone within the business remains happy, productive and connected at all times.

4) Integrating Legacy Systems with Modern Technologies

While legacy systems have their drawbacks, that isn’t to say they don’t have a part to play in modern business connectivity solutions. In fact, legacy systems present a plethora of advantages for businesses, all of which are reasons why some businesses are hesitant to replace them with newer, more efficient systems. In fact, over two-thirds of businesses are still using legacy applications for core business operations, according to an article featured in Forbes. Familiarity with existing systems aids overall productivity, while cost implications and extra training requirements involved in replacing tech can cause a headache for some.

But what if your business didn’t need to replace all of its existing technology to improve connectivity company-wide? What if you were able to onboard new solutions to work alongside the technology you have, for the benefit of everyone? It is possible to onboard new technologies, like cloud services and modern communications systems, though the process can be problematic if you’re working alone. Without in-depth technical knowledge of the processes involved in integrating new technology to work alongside older technology, the result can have the opposite of the intended effect, and the two may clash, causing strife and confusion amongst employees as to which system should be used for which purpose.

But by working with an experienced business technology provider like Elite Group, you’re giving your business the best chance of avoiding some of the worries involved in onboarding new technology. Utilising our years of experience in helping businesses like yours, we can offer industry-standard advice about where new technologies working alongside your existing systems will help elevate your business processes, while also highlighting the older technologies that may be hindering your success, so they can be removed from the equation.

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5) Future-proofing Connectivity Infrastructure

It’s true that technology is changing all the time, with new and exciting ventures seemingly appearing daily. But just because technology is advancing at a rapid pace, that doesn’t mean businesses can’t invest in these technologies rather than waiting long periods for the seemingly perfect option to improve connectivity. In actuality, there are options available today to lift connectivity infrastructure that will allow for the accommodation of further technologies years from now, effectively “future-proofing” a business.

But technology shouldn’t be adopted on a whim; long-term planning and careful considerations of which technologies will aid a business’s connectivity need to be held under a microscope by experienced people with an in-depth knowledge of the business, ensuring the correct choices are made the first time around – something Elite Group has been offering businesses for years.

Take the PSTN switch off; in 2025, BT will be switching off the traditional wiring that has powered telecommunications in Britain for decades, meaning people and businesses need to switch to digital alternatives from their existing phone lines if they wish to maintain a broadband internet connection. This is why so many businesses have been moving to cloud-based phone systems. Not only do they not rely on outdated wiring, but they’re also a method of communication that’s not foreseen to be overtaken or replaced in the coming years, making them a great option for businesses seeking to future-proof their comms. Leased lines are also a tempting choice, offering businesses dedicated internet access, without the need to share bandwidth with nearby residential broadband users, resulting in consistently reliable internet access and a lightning-quick broadband connection.

Stay Connected and Explore Business Internet Services with Elite Group

If you feel as though your business is beginning to struggle under the pressures of growing internet-connected technology and the bandwidth you have available isn’t doing the job, it’s time to consider new technologies and explore new business broadband deals. At Elite Group, we’re highly trained and experienced in all areas of business connectivity, including business broadband solutions, SD-WAN, Managed WiFi and more, so you can rest easy knowing you’re working with experts in this field.

With decades of combined experience helping businesses boost their connectivity and a team of accredited specialists, engineers and customer service representatives all eager to help keep your business connected, we’re ready to help whenever you are. Click the link below to speak with an Elite Group expert today, or fill in our contact form to get the ball rolling.