Why Digital Transformation Isn’t Just About Technology

Updated: December 18th, 2023

Digital transformation has helped businesses all over the world make the most of modern technology and take their productivity and profits to the next level, with 56% of CEOs reporting a boost in revenue after a digital transformation, according to Gartner. But even though the adoption of more modern technology is the driving factor in digital transformation, the technology itself is not the be-all-end-all.

Sure, it’s fun to say you’re using the latest and greatest innovations. But it’s important to never lose sight of why you adopted those innovations and the difference they’ve made to the lives of your employees and customers. If you’ve yet to look into a digital transformation strategy, don’t think of it as simply improving your technology – think of it as a way to improve many aspects of your business as a whole.

Find out how digital transformation can really benefit your business. 

It Allows You to Offer a Faster, More Effective Service

Speed is key in offering an efficient service. The faster you’re able to serve the customer, the more likely they are to turn into a repeat customer. With 90% of customers wanting an “immediate” response to their enquiries, according to HubSpot,  you need to ensure you’re doing everything you can to serve your customers well and to do it quickly.

For your business, digital transformation could mean faster communications, faster call transfers, faster file sharing or faster internet. Replacing your outdated communications system with a more modern, cloud-based alternative, paired with speed improvements to your business broadband could see your current communication efforts instantly improve. This will allow you to adequately serve more customers in a short space of time.

Call transfers or call queuing could be made simple with a cloud-based phone system while taking on ultrafast business broadband could slash loading time and file transfer times significantly. All of which will result in faster internal and external communications, and more satisfied customers.

It Improves Employee Morale

A happy employee is an engaged employee and an engaged employee is a productive employee. Workers in a company where the technology supports them are 230% more engaged and 85% more likely to stay for longer than three years, according to data from Harvard Business Review. Of course, productivity breeds results and greater profits for your business. So it pays to ensure your employees are as happy and engaged as possible.

However, almost 50% of employees feel frustrated with workplace technology (or lack of it) with over 25% of employees considering leaving their jobs as a result, according to an article featured by Becker’s Health IT. Given these numbers, it’s clear investing in current digital technologies that work more efficiently and are easier to operate lends itself to employee productivity and happiness in spades. If you feel like your current processes are too slow or awkward, and are slowing the productivity of your employees as a result, take a step back and consider which elements of your business could be replaced or updated with more modern digital technologies.

It Helps You Protect Your Customers’ Data

Customers expect companies to treat their data with the utmost safety. As a business, you have a moral and legal obligation to make sure your customer’s data is as safely guarded as possible. That means using the most up-to-date firewalls and network security. You may already have similar security protocols in place, but a digital transformation could unearth places where your security processes could be improved for your benefit and the benefit of your customers.

For example, modern firewalls aren’t just a plug-in-and-go security solution. They continue to analyse your network traffic, using machine learning, to better understand your systems and boost their chances of spotting and eliminating a threat before it has a chance to cause damage.

You should also consider using multi-factor authentication (MFA) across all business devices as part of a digital transformation if you haven’t already. This adds extra layers of security hackers would need to crack to access your data, usually in the form of specialised codes sent to your personal phone or email address. It’s a wildly successful move, blocking a staggering 99.9% of unauthorised access, according to Microsoft. Make no mistake, when you defend yourself against cyberattacks, you’re defending every single one of your customers, too.

Speak to Elite Group about your digital transformation

If you’re interested in finding out more about the benefits a digital transformation could bring your business and your customers, speak to Elite Group. We’re highly experienced in delivering technology solutions for businesses looking to make a change and make the most of modern processes. Get in touch with our technology experts and get the ball rolling with your digital transformation today.