Are you receiving the best advice on your Business Mobile contract?

Updated: July 16th, 2024

Our mobile specialists give their tips and advice.

Mobile devices play an integral part of any business communication system now and with it comes a plethora of options for connectivity, security, usability and communication options. Grasping an understanding of all this isn’t easy and having a dedicated contact is crucial for improved mobile outcomes.

In 2020, Brits spent approximately 4 hours and 2 minutes online per day, with 71% of this time being spent on a mobile. That equates to almost 3 hours on a connected mobile device every day, that’s a whopping 30% increase compared to 2019. So, what are we doing online?

During that period, business Apps saw a massive increase in use by 85%, with Productivity Apps coming second at 29% and social media apps only increasing by 16% worldwide. This highlights the recent shift of mobile usage to business purposes.

With Apps like Microsoft Teams, there is an ever-increasing need for data, with video accounting for 63% of mobile traffic. You can understand why when weekly Microsoft Teams mobile users increased by more than 300% from February 2020 to March 31st, 2020.

In 2020 the average data used per month, per user was 7GB. Which is estimated to increase to 25GB by 2025, a 27% increase!

Mobiles are an essential tool for client communication and the need for this is growing daily. From handsets, dongles, data SIMs to wireless hotspots, mobile technology is an integral part of any modern business communications plan but to realise the full benefits of mobile, partnering with the right provider is critical.

With a large pool of potential mobile phone providers, plans and prices, it can often feel overwhelming to pick the best business mobile phone provider for your company. To make this easier, our mobile specialists have taken some time out to give their advice and tips on making the best of your mobile solutions.


Amanda Harrison | Mobile Sales Specialist

I work with a wide variety of new and existing clients providing tailor made mobile solutions. There are many factors to consider when choosing a mobile solution, so, here are my top tips.

Number 1 is cost. Ensure your mobile solution is right for your business and you’re on the correct tariff. This will ensure that you are only paying for products and services that are suitable and that are required. This may include knowing what bolt-ons are available, as when you pay for services upfront it’s much better value than paying for them as you go.

Number 2 is, always ensure you are on the best device. Now that we are using mobile devices more than ever, are you using the correct device? Does it work efficiently with any company system or any apps that you may have or is it causing issues or restrictions? Ensuring you’re on the correct device enables your workforce to work smoothly and efficiently.

Number 3 is the relationship that you have with your provider. This to me is essential, if you need a point of contact that you have any queries, issues or problems. Here at Elite, we offer you a dedicated account manager purely to look after your mobile solutions. They are on hand to advise you on your mobile state and ensure you’re on the correct tariff throughout your contract, also to answer any questions or issues you may have.


Reis Kucuk | Mobile Sales Specialist

Here are my top tips when considering a business mobile solution. When you’re trying to actually understand your requirements, really try to get a clear overview of what your potential cost will be, including any out of bundle costs. What we try and do here at Elite is really build your contract in a way which can encompass any potential out of bundle spend. This then allows you to know what you’ll be paying at the end of every month, prevents bill shock and actually often reduces costs. Customers are then confident in their contracts, meaning they don’t have to allocate unnecessary time reviewing their monthly spend. This then actually allows them to focus on other projects which are probably a lot more beneficial to their business.

Elite Top Tips for business mobile solutions

Following on from Amanda’s and Reis’s advice here is our top seven considerations for those in the process of choosing a business mobile provider, and some reasons why choosing an independent business mobile partner is often the best idea.

Network Options

Using individual suppliers can tie you to a specific network. This limits the number of options and services that are available to you. An independent provider such as Elite Group will provide you with options from all of the major networks, so you can make an informed decision when choosing which network is best for your business. Our leading network relationships ensure that you always have access to the most competitive tariffs available.

Client Considerations

Some business mobile providers benefit from out-of-bundle usage, meaning that they will not inform you when you spend outside of your contract. In order to retain your custom, independent providers need to ensure that you save as much money as possible. For this reason, we will only ever propose tariffs that are benefi­cial to your business and reduce overspend to an absolute minimum over your contract term.

Business Partnership

Many providers work on contract cycles, before targeting renewals. This means that they don’t always see their clients as long-term partners. Our business model, however, depends on our ability to form long-term relationships and to save your business money on a continual basis.

Personal Relationships

Many providers are large enterprises with multiple locations and staff. Unless you have a signi­ficant number of connections it is very possible that you will not have a personal account manager allocated to your business. Elite Group will always provide you with a dedicated account manager. We aim to form personal relationships with all our clients so that we can operate as effectively as possible.

Pro-active Service

Unwanted bureaucracy slows down business. With larger providers, service can become slow and even getting a response can take a significant amount of time. Independent providers such as Elite Group operate a more flexible business model that can react immediately to your needs and move things along effectively.

Full Product Support

Some providers have created different departments to deal with different aspects of your account. Elite Group offer an end-to-end managed service and aim to know every part of your account, which ensures pro-activeness and reduces the frustration that comes with dealing with a number of different people who have no familiarity with your account.

Technology Considerations

Some providers can be restrictive in terms of the hardware available to you and sometimes ask for equipment to be returned at the end of your contract. Elite Group has access to most hardware suppliers and can ensure that the platform you are using is fit for purpose as well as in line with budgetary requirements.


What sets Elite Group apart from many business mobile providers?

Elite can tailor a business mobile solution to fit any business for any need with one major difference compared to some providers – a dedicated account manager who knows your needs and your business. No matter what your mobile needs are, with Elite, you can get them all under one umbrella. Talk to one of our mobile specialists today for an improved mobile solution and a dedicated account manager.


Elite Group is one of the UK’s leading unified communication providers, supplying reliable and professional IT and telecoms services to organisations seeking Business Mobile, Cloud, Networking, Connectivity, and Telephony solutions. 


For more information on how Elite Group can power your unified communication solutions, call us or request a quote today